SAP Program RSMONICM - Internet Communication Monitor

Monitoring transaction for the Internet Communication Manager (ICM)

With this transaction you can monitor and manage the InternetCommunication Manager, which receives requests from and sends requeststo the Internet (for example incoming HTTP requests in its role as aserver).

The ICM is part of the SAP Web Application Server, which is theinterface between the Internet and the SAP application server.
The SAP Web Application Server can act as a (Web) server and as aclient. In its role as a server the ICM receives incoming HTTP requestsand forwards them for processing to the Internet CommunicationFramework. In its role as a client, requests (for example, mails withSMTP) are sent via the ICM from the SAP server to another server in theInternet.

For more information see Help -> Application Help.

See also the complete documentation on the SAP Web AS and the ICM in theSAP Library or on the Help portal ( under SAPNetWeaver Components -> Application Platform (SAP Web ApplicationServer) -> ABAP Technology -> Client/Server Technology-> Administration of the Internet Communication Manager