SAP Program RSLDARCH02 - Delete Program for Database Log Archiving

The program RSLDARCH02 deletes table log entries from thedatabase, which have been transferred to an archive. Such archives aregenerated by the archiving program RSLDARCH01. Thedelete program is automatically executed after an archiving run. At thestart of the archiving you can set whether the deletion should actuallytake place, or whether a delete log should just be created in a testrun, without actually removing the data from the database.
The automatic start of the delete program can be activated anddeactivated in archiving objects maintenance.
The deletion program is called using archive adminstration
, either automatically after the archiving, or explicitly by theuser. It is executed in the background.

No preparation is necessary to run the program. However, it only makessense to run it if there are archives for which there is not yet adeletion program.

The result of the deletion program is that the log records of thearchive for which the deletion program was run are deleted from thedatabase. Secondly, a deletion log is created, providing informationabout the number of data records deleted. You can access this log fromarchive administration. If you are running the programin test mode, no log entries are actually deleted, but a deletion log iscreated, which provides an overview of the data you want to delete.

See also
Archiving program for table logs
Evaluation program for table logs

939903Error in English translation of report short text RSLDARCH02
426021 Archiving object BC_DBLOGS: Termination with Oracle DB