SAP Program RSLDARCH01 - Archiving Program for Database Logs

The program RSLDARCH01 archives the data of the table DBTABLOG.In this table, with the relevant system settings (see profile parameterrec/client in profile parameter maintenance),all changes to customizing objects are logged, on the basis of tablechanges. The archiving is done with the help of the Archive DevelopmentKit (ADK).
After program start the period of time to be archived is queried. Alllog entries written in this period are transferred to the archive. Twoother parameters are also requested. One controls whether the datashould be deleted from the database after archiving, or whether deletionshould just be simulated as a test run. The program that deletes datafrom the log table is RSLDARCH02.
The archiving program is usually executed in the background viaArchive Administration. In this case a variant for theprogram must exist that provides the parameters with values. Thearchiving object for the table log archiving is BC_DBLOGS. This programoutputs the archived data in raw format. For a formatted output, usetransaction SCU3.

No action is required before executing the program.

Archive data is created in the Archive Administration.As well as the archives, an archiving log is also created, givinginformation on the range of the archived data.

See also
Delete program table logs
Analysis program table logs

426021 Archiving object BC_DBLOGS: Termination with Oracle DB