The report RSLAW_PLUGIN is the plug-in for the License AdministrationWorkbench (LAW) and forms the interfaces between the LAW central systemand the connected component systems. It is essentially used for thetransfer of the measurement results from the component system to theLAW. Together with the new LAW, it is now also used as a type of RFCmodule to allow remote communication.

The report was programmed so that it can be used in all releases fromSAP Basis 3.1I to SAP Web AS 6.40. To achieve this, the report uses arelease-dependent Include.

If the report is copied to older releases, you need to adjust theInclude statement.
First, you need to change the name in all releases in which the plug-inInclude does not exist as an SAP object:
4.6C, 6.10, 6.20:,,rslaw_plugin_ddic --> zslaw_plugin_ddic
4.6B:,, ,,,,rslaw_plugin_ddic_46b --> zslaw_plugin_ddic_46b
4.0, 4.5: ,,,,rslaw_plugin_ddic_40b_45b --> zslaw_plugin_ddic_40b_45b
3.1: ,,,,rslaw_plugin_ddic_31i --> zslawddi
The plug-in is set up so that you only need to comment out the standardInclude statement and decomment the Include statement that is appopriatefor your release.
* Release 6.40 and above
INCLUDE rslaw_plugin_ddic.
* Release 4.6, 6.10, 6.20
*INCLUDE zslaw_plugin_ddic. "rslaw_plugin_ddic
* Release 4.6B
*INCLUDE zslaw_plugin_ddic_46b. "rslaw_plugin_ddic_46b
* Release 4.0, 4.5
*INCLUDE zslaw_plugin_ddic_40b_45b. "rslaw_plugin_ddic_40b_45b
* Release 3.1
*INCLUDE zslawddi. "rslaw_plugin_ddic_31i

The selection screen provides the following functions:

  • Downloading the measurement data to a file (this was previously the only
  • function)
    • Sending the measurement data by e-mail to any recipient

    • Sending the measurement data to the central LAW system by RFC

    • Additional processing of the measurement data using a customer's own
    • function module
      • Maintaining the RFC destination for sending to the central LAW system
      • Activities
        Additional processing of the measurement data using a customer's ownfunction module provides an interface to be able to handle themeasurement data in a problem-oriented way. This is not an exit.There is no automatic send after the execution of the functionmodule.The measurement data is transferred to the table it_transin an internal LAW format. This format is not documented.
        The following call is used. The interface to be implemented results fromthis
        CALL FUNCTION s_func,,,,"selection parameter name
        i_param_1 = s_fcpar1,,,,,,"Selection parameter Parameter 1
        i_param_2 = s_fcpar2,,,,,,"Selection parameter Parameter 2
        i_param_3 = s_fcpar3,,,,,,"Selection parameter Parameter 3
        i_param_4 = s_fcpar4,,,,,,"Selection parameter Parameter 4
        it_trans = lt_trans,,,,,,"Table containing the measurement data
        e_error = 1.
        s_fcpar1 to s_fcpar4 are fields of length 60 of Type C.
        it_trans is a table of the following type:
        DATA: BEGIN OF ls_trans OCCURS 0,
        line(1024) TYPE c,
        END OF ls_trans.