SAP systems can be used directly by SAP users or indirectly via userinterfaces. The latter is the case, for example, if a general user isused for dialog-free communication between systems (for RFC or CPICusers in different applications).
This allows you to use the License Administration Workbench (LAW) as acentral audit system for non-SAP systems that access an SAP system.
The SAP systems and the central LAW system exchange data for licenseaudit in a certain format, the SID file. This report converts a definedsimple data format into the specific SID format and then imports thedata into the LAW.
The customer must provide the raw data for this report in a CSV file. ACSV file is a text file that contains data structured as a table and isprimarily used for data exchange. The abbreviation CSV stands forCharacter Separated Values or Comma Separated Values, as the individualvalues are separated by a special separator, often by a comma. There isno official standard for the file format.
The reporter anticipates a tab stop as a separator.
The lines have the following formats:
User name (CHAR12) *
User type (CHAR2)
E-mail address (CHAR241)
First name (CHAR30)
Last name (CHAR30)
Last logon date (YYYYMMDD)
Creation date (YYYYMMDD)
Cost center (CHAR8)
Telephone number (CHAR16)
Name 1 (CHAR20)
Value 1 (CHAR128)
Name 2 (CHAR20)
Value 2 (CHAR128)
Name 3 (CHAR20)
Value 3 (CHAR128)
Name 4 (CHAR20)
Value 4 (CHAR128)
Name 5 (CHAR20)
Value 5 (CHAR128)
The different fields must be separated by a tab stop. The field markedwith an asterisk (*) is a required entry field. If no entry has beenmade here, or the entry is not correct, the system will post an errormessage. This also applies if you enter an incorrect date. If you leave'User type' field blank, it will be filled with a default value when thereport is run. You must enter this default value on the report'sselection screen. All other fields are optional and can be replaced by atab stop. Naturally though, a value must always be entered in fieldsthat are intended for subsequent grouping of users.
The name-value pairs at the end of the list are personalization data,which is available to the customer for additional information (and canalso be used for grouping).
If you create the file with Microsoft Excel, you must ensure that youuse the correct date format. You might have to define your own format.

The report is integrated into transaction LICENSE_ADMIN (SLAW). You canstart it by choosing Measurement Data -> ImportData -> From External System.

A correct system measurement file must contain the following data. Asthey are constant, they are added automatically.
Hardware key,,,,,,,,,,X0000000000
Installation number,,,,,,,,,,EXTSYSTEMS
System status,,,,,,,,,,PROD
Category of the client,,,,,,,,P
Release,,,,,,,,,,,,Current system Release

System ID *
A system ID that does not yet exist (common in SAP systems)
Unique system number *
A number between 1 and 999 that forms a unique SAP system number. Unlikein real SAP systems, the "number" is made up internally of the constantprefix "EXITSYSTEMS" and a 3-figure number. This prefix subsequentlyallows these systems to be recognized as non-SAP systems.
Description *
Brief description for the external system
Measurement date
Measurement time
Name of the user who performed the measurement
Standard user type *
This user type is used if no user type has been specified in the userdata.
Price list selection*
Selection of the price list(s) used in the company.
Excluded user types
These can be used to explicitly exclude certain user types. If thesetypes are contained in the user data, the system will post an errormessage.
Path specification of the upload file
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required entry fields. Input helpis provided to ensure that you enter a correct date, time, user type andthe exact path specification. The system also checks whether the usertype and the selected pricelist(s) match.

You can display the result, the table generated in SID format. Theresult is imported to the LAW using a function module (either directlyor into the Inbox).

Example CSV file
Display with a header line that must not be included in the file.
MESMITH,,52,,,,,,,,,,Mark Edward,,Smith,,20040808,,20010101,,,,,,PERS03