SAP Program RSIWBH08 - Help Links - Change to Enhancement - only released internally

This report can be used for the following activities within an SAPsystem:

  • Assigning changed IWREFERENC entries to an existing transport request.

  • Displaying a list of unchanged IWREFERENC entries with selected
  • enhancements.

    Authorizations required for the transport:

    • The user running this report must ensure that authorizations for
    • creating objects and assigning them to transport requests are available.


      Below you can find information about the selection options in thisreport.
      The system does not permit use of the '*' character as a placeholder infields 'Previous Enhancement' and 'New Enhancement'.

      • Previous Enhancement

      • As F4 help only enhancements from the local table are proposed in thehelp links (IWREFERENC / field 'INDUSTRY').
        A value must be entered in this field (mandatory fields cannot be set toinitial).
        • New Enhancement

        • The value for the new enhancement must be entered manually. If there isno value, the 'INDUSTRY' field will be emptied for the selected entries.
          "Processing Mode"
          • Checkbox 'Display Only'

          • If this checkbox is selected, only a list of entries to be processed iscreated. This 'read-only" access does not change the dataset.
            If this checkbox is not selected, the selected entries are changed inaccordance with the selection criteria.

            The result of the analysis is:

            • A list of changed objects, or a list of objects that are to be changed,
            • sorted by structure class, structure ID, topic class, and topic ID.
              If the report is run in the background, the result from the spool listcan be saved to a file by choosing:
              'Spool Request -> Forward -> Export as Text', if you are in the GUI workdirectory of the spool requests, ( '\Documents andSettings\USER_ID\SapWorkDir', where USER_ID is your user ID).
              'Spool Request -> Forward -> Save to Local File', if you want to savethe spool request to a path of your choice.
              • A completed transport request if the relevant option is selected.
              • Activities
                The system analyzes all IWREFERENC entries that match the previousenhancement selected.