SAP Program RSIWBH01 - Define sequence of enhancements in customer namespace

Maintenance of the Enhancement Sequence and Enhancement Release inApplication Systems

The program stores information about the order in which enhancementcontexts you created in the Knowledge Warehouse in the customernamespace are tried by the SAP help processor when displayingcontents in the "Application help" and the "SAP Library".
To this end you speccify a sequence of enhancements that aresuccessively based on each other. The release of the most specificenhancement will tried first.

If "application help" or the SAP Library is called, the SAP helpprocessor determines the enhancements for which contents should bedisplayed from the Knowledge Warehouse using entries in control tables.The enhancement release required to precisely define the versioncontext of the contents cannot be found in these tables if theenhancements are in the customer namespace. Since in such casesthe help processor assumes the system release (e.g. 45B) as fallbackvalue, contents from enhancements in the customer namespace are onlydisplayed if their release name is the same as the SAP system release.
This program permits the storage of any release names for customerenhancements in the application system. The release name refers to themost specific enhancement in the given sequence of (customer)enhancements.


Execute the program.
Enter the names of the enhancements whose contents are to be displayed,starting at the top. Start with customer namespace /KWCUST/ and, belowthat, enter any further enhancements you may have created in theKnowledge Warehouse that are based on one another, ending with the mostspecific enhancement from which you want to display contents.
In field "Enhancement release", enter the release of the most specificenhancement.
Choose "Execute".

  • You developed contents in the Knowledge Warehouse system in enhancement
  • context /KWCUST/ (customer namespace), Release 1.0, based on the SAPstandard release 4.5B and want to display these contents in an SAPapplication system in the "application help" or in the SAP Library.
    Execute the program with the following value definitions: in the upperinput field /KWCUST/ and in the enhancement release field 1.0.
    • You developed contents in the Knowledge Warehouse system in enhancement
    • context /KWCUST/ (customer namespace), Release 1.0 and in enhancementcontext /KWCUST/2, which is based on it, Release 1A and want to displaythese contents in an SAP application system.
      Execute the program with the following value definitions: in theuppermost input field /KWCUST/, in the field below it /KWCUST/2 and inthe enhancement release field 1A.

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