SAP Program RSIRTRIM - KPro: Collective Transport Postprocessing

Post-transport processing call (AFTER import method) for transportrequests containing Knowledge Provider documents. The program is calledespecially for importing delivered Knowledge Warehouse contents intocustomer systems, since post-transport processing is not automaticallycarried out here.

The transport requests must already have been imported into the targetsystem.

Post-transport processing covers the import of the document contentsinto the document storage location in the target system. If necessary,full text indexing and HTML generation can also be scheduled, andadministration data of the document modified.
You can specify the location of the storage system you want to use. Youselect a storage system for each document following the same rules asauthors use for storing documents in their chosen location. Toaccelerate the import of the content you can specify a destination closeto the content server or to the storage location of the content files,instead of specifying the standard RFC destination.
The target client can be specified for client-dependent contents. Bydefault, the messages arising from executing the method are logged inthe transport system.

Transport requests are selected by their names. The specification of thedirectory containing the content files is mandatory. The directory namehas to be formulated taking into account the RFC destination used. Thefile names of the content files are formed from the name of thetransport request following the standard rules used in the SAP transportsystem, and this cannot be done otherwise. (You can use program RSTIRTRIto explicitly specify the file name of the content file.)

Messages arising from the execution of the method are displayed as alist. If the program is executed in the background, only those transportrequests not logged in the transport system are included in the list.