SAP Programs

Program Text
RSGOSWP1 Start Generic Services via Drag and Relate
RSGRAF00 Hierarchy representation
RSGS_WEBMAP_EXPORT Export of Tables for Testing WEBMAP
RSGTIME *** Subroutine: Acquire Relative Time in hh:mm:ss and Micro Sec. ***
RSGWLST List of all gateways addressed by this system
RSGWREGP List of active registered server programs
RSGWRLST Liste aller Gateways, die von diesem System adressiert werden
RSHDCF00 Global values: Candidates for domains and associated screen fields
RSHDGF00 Global Fields: Change and Display
RSHDGLOB Global Fields: Display and Change
RSHDLSTT Transactions
RSHDTVCV OBSOLET conversion of parameter transactions into variant transactions
RSHD_RESET_GROUPS Assign Users - Reset Variant Groups
RSHD_SET_GROUPS Assignment User - Variant Group
RSHD_TRANSPORT_GROUPS OBSOLET Conversion of Parameter Transactions into Variant Transactions
RSHD_TV_RENAME Rename transaction variants with assigned screen variants
RSHD_TV_SCRV Convert old transaction variants to new transaction variants
RSHD_TV_SCRV_COMP Compare old and new transaction variants
RSHD_TV_SCRV_DISPL Unconverted transaction variants and variant transactions
RSHD_TV_SCRV_SG Convert old transaction variants to new transaction variants
RSHD_TV_SCRV_XPRA Transaction variant conversion --> Total of Screen Variants
RSHELP01 POV and POH programming demonstration
RSHFM002 Copy Structure Texts and Grouping Texts
RSHIER1 Activate hierarchy packet by packet
RSHIERARCHY Call Hierarchy Maintenance
RSHIERSIM Simulation program for displaying hierarchies
RSHIERSIM_ALL Display Hierarchies from Different Source Systems
RSHIERSIM_BW Hierarchy Display from BW Systems (Data Marts)
RSHIERSIM_R3 Display of Hierarchies from ERP Systems (Extraction)
RSHLP001 Obsolete: Call RFC Server for F1 Help
RSHLP002 Processing Executable Links
RSHLP003 Call Extended Help
RSHLP900 Call Document Maintenance in own Roll Area
RSHLP950 Online help: Reset buffer
RSHLP960 Online help: Create buffer
RSHOST00 LAN Round Trip Times
RSHOST01 Display OS Configuration Data
RSHOST02 Calls RSORA110 to Display Operating System Parameter Changes
RSHOST03 Display System Configuration on Local Host - Calls RSHOST1
RSHOST04 Display System Configuration on Remote Host - Calls RSHOST1
RSHOST05 Monitor for OS Collector - Local Host. Calls RSHOST10
RSHOST06 Display OS Collector Data for a Logical Destination. Calls RSHOST10.
RSHOST06_U Display OS Collector Data for a Logical Destination. Calls RSHOST10.
RSHOST07 Display OS Monitoring Graphs for Local Machine. Calls RSHOST20.
RSHOST08 Display OS Monitoring Graphs for Remote Machine. Calls RSHOST20.
RSHOST10 Monitor for OS Collector (ST06)
RSHOST10_OLD Monitor for OS Collector (ST06)
RSHOST12 Alert Monitor for File Systems for Local Host. Calls RSHOST30.
RSHOST13 Alert Monitor for File Systems for Remote Host. Calls RSHOST30.
RSHOST15 call OS07 with ccms host name as parameter
RSHOST1M Includes for Logging Statistic Data on Performance Database (Moni)
RSHOST1N Operating System Monitor
RSHOST20 OS Monitoring Graphs
RSHOST2M Forms for Logging Statistic Data on Performance Database (Moni)
RSHOST30 Alert Monitor for File Systems
RSHOST3M For Logging Statistic Data on Performance Database (Moni)
RSHOST4M For Logging Statistic Data on Performance Database (Moni)
RSHOST5M Delete the entries in OSMON for the given server
RSHOST80 For Logging Statistic Data on Performance Database (Moni)
RSHOST99 Hardware information file as list
RSHOSTDB Reports OS Monitor Data Performance Database - Daily Calls 1m/12m
RSHOSTDC Reports OS Monitor Data on Performance Database - Daily Calls 3m/4m
RSHOSTLD Customize logical destination
RSHOWCRT Transaktionsklassifikation:Kritische Objekte für HTML-GUI
RSHOWLOG Application Log Display for CIF
RSHOWTIM Runtime of ABAP Objects Statements
RSHOWVWDYN List All Variants Containing Free Selections
RSHTMIMG Generate HTML structure for IMG and check-in to IR
RSHTMIMG_2 Generate HTML structure for IMG and check-in to IR
RSHTML01 Demo for HTML Control: Use as general WWW browser
RSHTML01_EXT Demo for HTML Control: Use as General WWW Browser
RSHTMLSHOW HTML text conversion
RSHTTP01 Http Client
RSHTTP02 Http Client Test
RSHTTP03 Http Client Test
RSHTTP50 Test base64 encoding
RSHTTP51 HTTP Content Server: Info
RSHTTP52 HTTP Content Server: docGet
RSHTTP53 HTTP Content Server: Component ID Test
RSHTTP60 Test HTTP PUT with Basic Authentication
RSHTTP70 HTTP Content Server: create Document / n Components - from Files
RSHTTP80 Content Server Performance
RSHTTP81 Check Content Server Content
RSHTTP90 HTTP Content Server: create Document / 1 Component from ITAB
RSHTTP91 HTTP Content Server: create Document / n Components - from ITAB
RSHTTP92 HTTP Content Server: Create Content
RSHTTP93 HTTP Cache Test
RSHTTP94 HTTP Cache Test: get Document
Lines 43301 to 43400 of 57103 entries
1 432 433 434 435 436 572