SAP Program RSINF007 - INFORMIX Locks (from syslocks)

INFORMIX System Monitoring Interface Tables
syslocks (Active locks information)
Column Type Description
dbsname char(18) Database name
tabname char(18) Table name
rowidlk int Real ROWID, if it is an index key lock
keynum smallint Key number of index key lock
type char(3) Type of lock
B - byte lock
IS - intent shared lock
S - shared lock
XS - shared key value held by a
repeatable reader
U - update lock
IX - intent exclusive lock
SIX - shared intent exclusive lock
X - exclusive lock
XR - exclusive key value held by a
repeatable reader
owner int Session ID of the lock owner
waiter int Session ID of the user waiting for the
lock. If there is more than one, only
the first one appears.