SAP Program RSINF006 - INFORMIX Dbspaces (from sysdbspaces)

INFORMIX System Monitoring Interface Tables
sysdbspaces (Dbspace information)
Column Type Description
dbsnum smallint Dbspace number
name char(18) Dbspace name
owner char(8) User ID of owner of the dbspace
fchunk smallint Number of the first chunk in the dbspace
nchunks smallint Number of chunks in the dbspace
flags smallint Flags Hexidecimal Meaning
0x0001 dbspace has no mirror
0x0002 dbspace uses mirroring
0x0004 dbspace disables mirroring
0x0008 dbspace newly mirrored
0x0010 blobspace
0x0020 blobspace on removable media
0x0040 blobspace on optical media
0x0080 blobspace that has been dropped
0x0100 blobspace is an optical stageblob
0x0200 space is being recovered
0x0400 space has been physically recovered
0x0800 space is in logical recovery