SAP Program RSINDXUPD - Print parameter conversion in table INDX

RSINDXUPD modifies entries in the cluster INDX(PR). This cluster
contains report-specific print parameters in a table structure
. Since the print parameters structure
changed in Release 4.6A, the data has to be adjusted accordingly.

INDX(PR) contains data . Suppose we wantto read the data for user Miller. If version = 2, DEFPAR is read. Alldata for user Miller is deleted from INDX(PR). Table DEFPAR has theform . Table DEFPARNEW is copied from thetable DEFPARNEW with the form . InINDX(PR), an entry is created for user Miller with DEFPARNEW = . Version is set to 3, to indicate the entry asbelonging to Release 4.6A.

1434829Conversion report RSINDXUPD does not write a log
1142364Missing print parameters after upgrade