SAP Program RSHDTVCV - OBSOLET conversion of parameter transactions into variant transactions


  • Convert

  • = 'X': The transactions are converted in the database
    = ' ': Test run, only the log is produced
    • Correction request

    • = 'X': One correction request is created for all transactions (there isonly one query for a correction number, all other transactions areadded to that correction). If a transaction is already contained in acorrection, then it will also be included in the converted variant.Correction entries will only be created for transactions that are notlocal.
      = ' ': No correction request is created
      • Client copy variant

      • = 'X': The variants are copied into all clients of the current system
        = ' ': A variant will only be created in the current client
        • Overwrite variant

        • = 'X': If a variant exists, it is overwritten. If Client copy variantis marked, then the variant will also be overwritten in other clientswhere it exists.
          = ' ': The variant is not overwritten. If the variant already exists inthe current client, processing is terminated. If the variant does notexist in the current client, and Client copy variant is marked, thevariant will only be copied to those clients in which it does not yetexist.

          Maintenance authorization for the related transactions (similar to TSTCmaintenance).

          1. List of successfully converted transactions:
          Transaction code, name of variant, contents of fields, flag whetherdynpro is processed in background
          2. List of transactions that cannot be converted together with reasons:

          • TSTCP invalid: entry in TSTCP is invalid, i.e. the transaction is not a
          • parameter transaction (often a variant transaction)
            • Called transaction invalid: transaction that was called by parameter
            • transaction does not exist
              • Enqueue failed: transaction or variant is currently locked

              • Variant exists: (only when Overwrite variant is not marked)

              • The variant already exists.
                • Variant text exists: (only when overwrite variant is not marked)

                • A text already exists for the variant (usually an inconsistency - bestto delete the variant and try again, or run with Overwrite variant).
                  • Cancel in correction: (only when correction request is marked)

                  • The correction dialog box was cancelled.
                    • Other error: for example, error during locking, correction entry, no
                    • authorization for maintaining transaction code...