SAP Program RSEIDOCD - IDoc Lists

All IDocs generated in the period specified and fulfilling the otherselection criteria are evaluated. The time interval entered restrictsthe selection for each day in the date interval.
If you enter several selection criteria, the output list is created forall IDocs which fulfill the criteria in the AND combination.
It is possible to branch to a detailed list from the list output usingthe Choose function. In addition, the 'Time distribution' and 'Statuslist' displays can be called.

Appropriate IDocs must be available in the specified selection period.

The result of the evaluation is a list sorted according to direction,status value, and message type, variant and function. For each listline variant output, the number of IDocs is displayed and theassociated status description stated. Also, status values classified asincorrect are highlighted in color.
If you branch to a detailed list, the individual IDocs are shown in alist. The criteria specified at the start apply (e.g. creation timeinterval).
After execution of the function 'Time distribution', the IDocs of theselected list line are listed in time intervals and displayed with theassociated counter readings.
The 'Status list' function lists the IDocs of the selected list lineindividually with the current status code and the associateddescription.

Enter the following criteria for the standard selection:
Creation date,,,,04.11.1994,,04.11.1994
Creation time,,,,14:00,,,,15:00
From 04.11.1994 to 05.11.1994 between 14:00 and 15:00, the IDocscreated in this period were selected.
The list could be as follows:
IDoc list
D St Type Var Fct Number Status description
1 03 ORDERS 2 Data transfer to port OK
2 * Total status 03
2 ** Total outbound direction
2 53 ORDERS 1 Application document posted
1 * Total status 53
2 56 TXTRAW 1 Incorrect IDoc added
1 * Total status 56
2 ** Total inbound direction
4 *** Overall total number