SAP Program RSEFA910 - Logon: SAPNet

Logging on to SAPNet
Chapter 1: Notes on use
The first step is to store the full network path from your R/3 Systemto SAPNet in the transaction. This is to be done once, and should beperformed by your system administrator (see Chapter 2).
To log on to SAPNet, activate the pushbutton Start logon to SAPNet, which you will find in the middle of the screen.
The transaction is now trying to make the connection to OSS, in orderto determine the logon groups possible and the optimum server for you.
If a dialog box appears with the message
First maintain technical settings.
'Parameter -> Techn. settings -> Change'
then the initial installation has not yet been carried out. Consultyour system administrator.
A dialog box with the message
Could not set up connection to OSS Message Server.
Standard connection is being used...
indicates that the network path from your R/3 System to SAPNet has notbeen configured correctly. For clarification of the facts, consult yoursystem administrator. Nonetheless, the system now tries to reach SAPNetdirectly, without determining logon groups. In some cases, this may besuccessful and you will get a SAPNet logon screen (success alsodepends, however, on the specification of the network path).
If the connection could in fact be set up, a dialog box appears withthe logon groups available. Choose one of the groups, and press theContinue key. This connects you to the server in the group thatis the optimal one for you.
Normally the SAPGUI program with which you logged onto your R/3 Systemis started for this. However, only SAPGUI programs of at least releaselevel 2.1I are capable of making the connection to SAPNet. If you areusing an older version, you should install the SAPGUI delivered forlogon to SAPNet.
For this purpose, your system administrator can define the new SAPGUIas an alternative to the present one in transaction OSS1. You can thenchoose this alternative under
Parameter -> Techn. settings -> SAPGUI for logging onto SAPNet ->Alternative, before you activate the Logon pushbutton.
Chapter 2: Configuration of the Network Path
Before logging on to SAPNet for the first time, you must configure thetransaction.
Beginning from the basic screen, choose:
Parameter -> Techn. settings -> Change.
In the top frame SAPRouter on customer side, you must specifyone server (or possibly two), each of which have a SAPRouter processrunning. For normal size networks, one server with a SAPRouter processis sufficient; For complex networks, it is recommended you equip twoservers with a SAPRouter process. For help on installing andconfiguring the SAPRouter, refer to the relevant documentation.
In the middle frame SAPRouter and SAPNet Message Server at SAP,you must configure the server on which the SAPRouter at SAP is running,as well as the SAPNet Message Server.
Both servers are delivered preset; sapserv3 is set as the server forthe SAPRouter at SAP, as this applies to many European customers. Ifsapserv3 does not apply in your case, choose the relevant servicecenter under menu item SAPRouter at SAP; The server data isautomatically adapted for the SAPRouter at SAP.
You must not change the preset data for the SAPNet Message Serverwithout the prior agreement of SAP. Otherwise, you will not be able tolog on to SAPNet.
In the bottom frame SAPGUI for logging on to SAPNETCurrent
displays the SAPGUI with which you logged on to your R/3 System.This entry is automatically generated for each user and thereforecannot be changed.
To log on to SAPNet, you require a SAPGUI of at least Release level2.1I. If you are using a SAPGUI of a Release level older than 2.1I, youmust install SAPGUI 2.1I (or more recent) for the logon to SAPNet. ASAPGUI of this level has already been delivered to you.
You can then enter the path and name of this SAPGUI in the second line,and activate the radio button Alternative.
After the configuration has been saved, all employees with theappropriate authorization can log on to SAPNet through the SAPRouterspecified.
Walldorf, February 24, 1995

889443Destination SAPOSS deleted by Transaction OSS1
682083OSS1 does not support all operating systems
732204OSS1: Dump (WRITE TO) or error on OS/390 operating system
74385OSS1 does not support all operating systems