This report should be used exclusively<(>,<)> to change the approvedreleases (Basis and Application Release) of the current segment versionwithin the framework of "Enhancement Packages".
An IDoc type is required as input.
It is still possible to enter a segment name - this must be part of thespecified IDoc type. Then the change is made only in the specialsegment. If you do not specify a segment name, the change is done forall segments of the IDoc type.
Now you need to enter the required values for the approved release forBasis and the application. The values 700 for the Basis approved releaseand 602 for the application approved release are only suggestions.
For each report run, you must decide whether only the non-releasedsegment versions or the segment versions approved for a release yet tobe entered are to be converted.
In the report, an attempt is made to set the entered values. The systemonly checks that there are no other approved segment versions thatalready have the same or a higher approved release. If there is such aversion, the current version will not be changed.
In the log, there is an entry as to which segments were converted andwhich segments could not be converted - with the reason for rejection.