SAP Program RSDB4SQR - iSeries: SQL Requests

This program displays the following information about SQL statements:

  • The 50 slowest statements recorded by the memory-based SQL database
  • monitor (program parameter TOP50 = 'Y')
    • All statements recorded by the memory-based SQL database monitor
    • corresponding to the selection set specified by the user (programparameter TOP50 = 'N')
      The list is sorted in descending order by the maximum execution time ofthe statement.
      The data displayed is collected by the function moduleST04_DB4_GET_SQR_INFO.

      RSDB4IDA is used in transaction ST04, Detail analysis.

      This program is only used in SAP systems running on IBM iSeries.

      This program displays information about SQL requests of the 50 sloweststatements or alternatively all statements corresponding to auser-specified selection set.

      Database Files Accessed