SAP Program RSDB4IDA - Database Performance: Index Advised

This program displays index advised activity on DB2/400.
The first screen displays a summary by table name of those tables forwhich the database optimizer advised that an index should be built overto improve the execution of a statement. You can select a table todetermine which statements are causing the index advised message(second screen).
A third screen displays all indexes advised in one list.
The data displayed is collected by the function moduleST04_DB4_GET_IDA_INFO.

RSDB4IDA is used in transaction ST04, Detail Analysis.

This program is only used in R/3 Systems running on AS/400.

Display the index advised activity on DB2/400

Database Files Accessed
SQ1000_DB4,SQ3000_DB4,SQ3001_DB4,SQ3002_DB4, SQTEXT_DB4