SAP Program RSDB4GEN - iSeries: Generate EXEC SQL Reports Used in CCMS


  • RSDB4TRM using report source RSDB4TRG

  • RSDB4EXP using report source RSDB4EXG

  • RSDB4SQL using report source RSDB4SQG

  • Generation of RSDB4 reports:
    The database monitor file QAQQPRF is defined within the ABAP Dictionary,but has a sligtly different format at OS/400 level. To access thecontent of some fields of QAQQPRF completely or in part, ABAP Native SQLstatements are necessary. For performance reasons and to ensure that thecorrect file is accessed, the SAP database library name is generatedinto the ABAP Native SQL statements. As the SAP system ID is defined atcustomer site and is freely selectable, the generation needs to be doneat customer site.

    This program is only used in SAP systems running on IBM iSeries. Youhave to run this report to complete an installation. This is doneautomatically by report STARTDB4.

769341iSeries: DYNPRO_FIELD_CONVERSION short dump with DB4COCKPIT