SAP Program RSDB4DOA - Display Detailed Object Analysis (used in DB2 UDB for iSeries)

This program displays size information about SAP database tables.
To limit the number of tables displayed in the list, enter a searchpattern in the dialog box that is displayed. The table size (disk spacein KB) and the number of records is displayed for all tables matchingthe search pattern. If you select a table, you can display the followinginformation:

  • Size of table and its indexes

  • Disk space used by the table itself, its primary key constraint, and itsindexes
    • Statistical history of table

    • Size of table and number of rows as recorded per day, week or month(precondition for this is the regular execution of reportRSDB4T6M).
      • Structure of table

      • Comparison of the table definition in the ABAP Dictionary and in thedatabase

        This program is only used in SAP systems running on IBM iSeries.
        This program can only be used if the ABAP report programRSDB4090 has been executed.

        This report is used within transaction DB02.

        RESET N1

        • The data for the initial list is collected from DBSTATTDB4.

        • The timestamp for the analysis of file statistics is displayed in thelist header. All size information pertains to this timestamp.
          • For function 'SIZE' information is collected from DBSTATTDB4 (size of
          • table and its primary key constraint) and from DBSTATIDB4 (size ofindexes).
            • For function 'STRU' (table structure display) report RUTDBCHK is
            • submitted. This report performs the DDIC-DB check as performed intransaction SE11 or SE14, menu Extras -> Database object-> Check. Using existing functionality provides the advantages ofthe consistency check.
              How is this done:
              Report RUTDBCHK is submitted with the Exporting list to memoryoption, the check result is now in ABAP memory.
              with function module LIST_FROM_MEMORY that list is imported into aninternal table which is displayed - after setting the GUI status - byfunction module WRITE_LIST.
              • For function 'HIST' (table history) report RSDB4TAM
              • is submitted listing the size history of a table.
                • There is only one GUI status defined (0100) for the initial list, size
                • and structure display (the history lists have their own GUI status ofreport RSDB4TAM). As some functions should not be available for some ofthese lists (for example, SIZE should not be available when the sizelist is displayed), there are two function exclude lists/itabs generatedat the start of the program - event end-of-selection - and used for therespective list when the titlebars are set (FORM routineSET_GUI_STATUS).
                  • If, on the initial/main list, one line or table is selected for display
                  • of size or structure sy-lsind is reduced by 1 so that the user cantoggle between size and structure display and get back to the main listwith a simple BACK. If HIST is used, the BACK from this list returns tothe previous displayed list (initial, size or structure).