SAP Program RSCRXPRA - XPRA for converting TOAAR and SDOKSTRE

Conversion of Customizing for Archives and Content Repositories.
This report runs alongside the put for release 46A.
Customizing of archives (tables: TOAAR and TOAARS) and of storagerepositories (tables: SDOKSTRE and SDOKSTRET) is to be grouped togetheras Customizing of content repositories (tables: CREP, CREP_FILE,CREP_FTP, CREP_HTTP, CREP_R3DB, CREP_RFC, CREP_RPC) CREP_TREE,CREPDESCR). In addition, link in table SDOKSTCA will be corrected, ifnecessary.
After successful conversion, the entries in SDOKSTRE and SDOKSTRET willbe deleted, The entries in tables TOAAR and TOASR will remain for thetime being and will be updated automatically in content repositorymaintenance.