SAP Program RSCP0148 - CCC Cache


  • Display CCC Cache information

  • Change parameters to display CCC Cache information

  • Clear CCC Cache
  • Features

    • Display current CCC Cache information:

    • The first screen displays a list of the current cache information.
      Additionally, by refreshing the list, it compares the current cacheinformation with the previous results. The difference is be marked inyellow.
      • Change parameters for display:

      • It is possible to specify which cache information should be displayed inthe list.
        • Clear CCC Cache:

        • CCC Cache can be cleared and reorganized again.


          • Display / Refresh CCC Cache information:

          • First screen displays the current cache information
            Select menu CCC Cache > Refresh List, or push @42@
            Refresh List
            By refreshing the list once more, it compares the current results withthe previous results and the difference will be marked in yellow.
            • Change parameters for display:

            • Select menu CCC Cache > Change Parameters, or push @7A@Change Parameters
              • Clear CCC Cache:

              • Select menu CCC Cache > Clear CCC Cache, or push @11@ Clear CCC Cache