SAP Program RSCP0141 - Update of Tables TCPUC and TCPUCATTR

This program executes an automatic revision of the tables TCPUC andTCPUCATTR using the file UnicodeData.txt provided by the Unicodeconsortium. You can copy this file at, and youmust save it locally on your front-end computer.
You can adjust the following settings on the selection screen:
Character Range:
Unicode Character ID: Defines the range that is to be checked.Valid character IDs lie in the range U+0000 - 10FFFD.
Check, Insert, Refresh:
Selecting one of these fields defines whether differences are to bedisplayed only, or copied to the database.
Check: A list of the file and database differences is displayedonly.
Insert: Missing characters are inserted into TCPUC and TCPUCATTR.
Refresh: The character attributes are refreshed, in casedifferences exist between file and database contents. However, no newcharacters are inserted into the tables.
Check/Change Private Use Areas: Flagging this field checks thePrivate Use Areas. Here, the following character ranges are defined:
Private Use Area: 00E000 - 00F8FF
Plane 15: 0F0000 - 0FFFFD
Plane 16: 100000 - 10FFFD

621740Updating the TCPUC and TCPUCATTR tables