SAP Program RSCP0031 - Check Fonts on Frontend

RSCP0013 processes the character set conversion between thefrontend (SAPgui) and the application server. The program includesseveral functions:
1 Test whether characters are destroyed:
1.d When using screens
1.D When using screen with upper/lower case conversion
1.l When using interactive ABAP lists
2 Create and download conversion tables for RFC

Test whether characters are destroyed
Data is output in input-ready fields, If these fields are changed at adifferent location, the test checks whether any characters in the fieldare destroyed.
All possible characters are output. "1<-" is at the beginning of everyfield. To execute the test, you type over "1<-" and choose TestAfter every character has been changed, the closing report iscalled.
The following variations are possible:
Screen (with/without uppercase conversion) or ABAP list processing
Less than 32 test characters per line (modified layout)
Also test control characters (ASCII 00 .. 1F)

Create and download conversion tables for Remote Function Calls (RFC)
RFC requires that appropriate character set conversion tablesare installed on the frontend. These tables are required, for example,when the system must display a progress indicator for an ABAP program.Use RSCP0013 to create these files and store them on thefrontend computer.
The following variations are possible:
You can create files for other SAPgui character sets
You can create files for other character sets located on applicationservers
The end of the created files is either LINEFEED (for example, for UNIX)or RETURN and LINEFEED (for example, for MS-DOS or Windows/NT).
RSCP0013 uses binary download otherwise the system may needexactly the file you are trying to create.