SAP Program RSCP0029 - Maintain Table TCP00

"RSCP0017" maintains table TCP0C. This table is used to set locationsettings (character set, language, country, and so on).
"RSCP0017" has multiple functions:
+ Transport from a file to TCP0C (Import)
+ Transport from TCP0C to a file (Export)
+ Output from TCP0C in a list
+ Delete inconsistent entries
When transporting into TCP0C, you can use the following options:
+ Only compare, do not change anything
+ Add missing records, but do not change existing records
+ Add missing records and change inconsistent records
The table TCP0C is one of the most important kernel settings tables.Incorrect values in this table can lead to an immediate crash of theentire R/3 System. If this happens, attempt to start the system inemergency mode using the following profile settings:
abap/set_text_env_at_new_mode = 0
install/collate/active = 0

Note: In earlier Releases, this program also edited table TCP0B. TableTCP0B is no longer used.