SAP Program RSCATPRA - CATT - log/procedure archiving (create archive)

This program puts CATT logs - and run data in the archive.
In the productive run, all archived log data are then deleted from thedatabase. The actual run data are retained (RSCATPRD).
All log data whose expiry date has been reached are also deleted fromthe database in the post-processing (RSCATDEL).

Log data are only archived when:

  • their expiry date is before the current system date and

  • the archiving flag is set.

  • The expiry date can be changed in the log (RSCATPRO) under"Edit->Procedure attributes".
    The archiving flag is set for procedures whose starter has the testflag in the user defaults.

    Several archive files may be created. The result of an archivingsession can be found in the archive management.