SAP Program CACS_WFCASTRIG - Commission Case Workflow: Trigger Flagged Events

This report triggers workflows for pending processing for commissioncases that are selected for mass processing (currently only theimporting of external data transfer files). In addition, rejectedcommission cases are also reported.

The mass processing simply notes the key of the pending commission casein the CACS_WFCAS table. This report evaluates all application logs forthe selected commission cases. The result of this evaluation is amessage group, which is used to control the workflow that was triggered.
You can also define a threshold value (up to which an individualprocessing is to take place) for each message group. If this reportdetermines that this threshold value is exceeded for a message group anda mass processing, then only a notification is generated for thecorresponding message group. You can also maintain an additionalthreshold value for the report on the selection screen: This thresholdvalue is not dependent on the message groups. If this limit is exceeded,then only one notification is performed for each run.
For rejected commission cases, only one notification is generated foreach mass processing.

The CACSWF package is active and event receivers exist for the PENDED,PENDED_EDT, and REJECTED_EDT events from the CL_CACS_WFCASE class.


  • Restrictions

  • Commission application
    Run number for external data transfer (external ID of massprocessing)
    • Parameter

    • Threshold value for single records (for individual processing)
      Indicator: Ignore threshold values (threshold values for messagegroups)
      Indicator: Simulation

      The report creates an application log.