SAP Program RSBCS_RESTORE - BCS: Restore Documents from Backup System

SAPoffice documents have been deleted from folders (and may have alreadybeen reorganized) and you want to restore them.

There is a backup system where the documents still exist.

The report RSBCS_RESTORE enables you to transfer documents and foldersaccording to particular selection criteria from a backup system to theoriginal system using RFC. It must be started in the backup system.


  • Specify an RFC destination for the original system. Both users (original
  • and backup system) must be SAPoffice administrators (value ADMINISTRATORin authorization object S_OC_ROLE).
    • Select the folder area. In general folders, you can select one folder,
    • but this must be in the top hierarchy level. If the field is empty, allfolders are transferred. If you want to restore documents from personalfolders, mark at least one of the fields below the user field.
      • If you want to actually transfer the documents, deactivate the test mode
      • field. The test mode only checks if the documents exist in the targetsystem.
        • You can specify a target folder for test purposes. This can be located
        • in the top level of the general repository or, if it does not yet exist,be created automatically (even in test mode). However, as a rule, thisfield should be empty. Documents are then put in the original folders.If a target folder is specified, only documents are transferred, notfolders.

          The backup system must be an exact copy of the original system. The databelonging to the documents is put back in the original system, mostlywith its original keys. The documents are therefore not completely new.For this reason, the report is not suitable for transport between anysystems of your choice.