SAP Program RSADRQU2 - Check and update address data in quarterly adjustment

Adjustment of addresses to difference data from the update of the SAPcity file delivered in the standard.

The program RSADRLSM02 maintains the SAP city file. The differenceswhich emerge from an update of the city file are saved in the database.The programs RSADRQU1, RSADRQU2 and RSADRQU3 must run consecutively toadjust the addresses in the system which are checked against the cityfile with the new regional structure data. RSADRQU1 selects theaddresses to be adjusted. RSADRQU2 adjusts the selected addresses withthe difference data from the city file update. RSADRQU3 writes theadjusted addresses back to the database. An adjustment log is output.

The city file must have been filled or updated with the programRSADRLSM02. RSADRQU1 must have run before RSADRQU2 to perform thequarterly address adjustment.

You can select the difference data with which the addresses areadjusted. By default, the difference data which has not yet been usedfor an address adjustment is chosen. Difference data is only shown forcountries for which the quarterly adjustment has been activated withthe program RSADRQU1.
You can change the value if only some of the addresses in the systemwere selected in RSADRQU1 for a previous adjustment and additionaladdresses are to be updated with the same difference data in asubsequent adjustment.
You can specify the number of addresses to be selected and saved at thesame time for the adjustment (package processing), in RSADRQU1. You canthen select how many of these packages are to be adjusted at the sametime, in RSADRQU2. This can improve performance (a lot of packages atthe same time) or reduce memory requirement (few packages at the sametime).

A log is output after RSADRQU2.

You can use program RSADRLSM02 to update the city file several timesconsecutively, without adjusting the addresses every time with programsRSADRQU1, RSADRQU2 and RSADRQU3. All difference data generated can beused at a later point for address adjustment.
This procedure is not, however, recommended because information can belost in the process. It is far better to adjust the addresses each timethe city file is updated.

1456827IS-U Loc. for TR - Address Update: FM-s + bug corrections
1126457IS-U TR Address management corrections
750903Quarterly adjustment: Street name not updated
796866Quarterly adjustment: ADRC-CHCKSTATUS field not updated
665007Bad performnce of quarterly adjustmt when updating addresses
759571Quarterly adjustment: Street name is deleted
758234RSADRQU2: street sections not found
716210RSADRQU2: Runtime error CONVT_NO_NUMBER
706580RSADRQU2 updates the HOUSE_NUM2 field
594728Regional SAP structure: Retrospective address validation
427317Bad performance quartererly adjustment with update addresses