SAP Program RSADRCK1 - Address management check report (SO key and where-used list inconsist)

- RSADRCK1 (available from Rel. 4.0A) (test run, w/o updates, possible)
Parts 1 and 2 can run separately or simultaneously)
* Part 1
Cleanup SO key (Background: SAPoffice only saves a 10-character field
"Person in company" addresses (type 3) (two 10-character fields are
really needed).
This SO key (an "artificial" key) is provided by BAS in the table
° Program flow:
- Anchor table: ADCP
- find repeated or missing SO keys
- for repeated SO keys, find SOUD owner using the where-used list
(ADRVP), get a new number for SO key, prepare SOUD and ADCP update
(array update at end)
- for missing SO keys, get a new SO key number and prepare ADCP update
- output log
* Part 2
Cleanup BAS where-used list (ADRVP).
° Program flow:
- Anchor table: SOUD / USR21
- if the link SOUD - USR21 - ADRP does not exist
delete the address pointer in USR21
- get SO keys and their address data
- loop for address data found
- read all ADRVP (uses) for address/person number
- fill in any missing uses for SOUD and/or USR21
(or SODE for SAPoffice users with 'delete flag')
- put new where-used lists in DB
- output log