SAP Program RREGCH_VT - Substance Volume Tracking: Tracking of Substance Quantities

You use this program to determine the quantities of the substances to betracked.

In Customizing for Substance Volume Tracking, you have processedthe following IMG activities and made the required settings there foreach relevant regulation:

  • Check Prerequisites

  • Specify Scenarios

  • Specify Selection Criteria for Volume
  • Tracking
    • Specify Data Transfer (Property Tree)

    • Set Up Job for Volume Tracking

    • In this last IMG activity, you also find information about how you needto schedule this program so you can implement substance volume tracking.
      Before executing the substance volume tracking, all relevantmaterial-substance relationships and substance compositions must be tra
      nsferred into the substance-volume-tracking tables using filling reportRREGCH_FILL. To do this, start the report without any selectioncriteria.
      If you perform a run in the past and you work with change numbers, thefilling must be performed for this time period. This means that you mustuse the relevant valid-from date.


      • Initial Run

      • All logistics documents that are new or have been changed between thestart date and end date are read and tracked in the initial run.
        The start and end date for the selection do not refer to the date onwhich the documents were posted. If the dates were to correspond withthe actual posting or validity dates, such as delivery date, documentscould be posted twice or not posted at all.
        To track all documents for a time period, you must extend the timeperiod into the past and into the future, so that all postings that arerelevant for the time period are taken into account.
        For confirmed volumes, the posting date is used as the validity date forsubstance volume tracking. For planned volumes, the date used depends onthe scenario (for example, delivery date).
        • Delta Runs

        • All new or modified logistics documents after the last successful runare read and tracked in the delta run. The delta run can also coverseveral days.
          • Completed Runs

          • The time period for previously completed runs is stored in tableCCRCT_RUN for each scenario and regulation. Further substance-volum
            e-tracking runs must follow on directly from this time period and cannotoverlap with existing time periods. This enables several initial runs tobe performed directly after one another. Initial runs cannot be carriedout for the period after a delta run is completed. However, you canrepeat an initial run for the time period before previously completedruns.
            • Runs with Errors

            • If an error occurs during the substance volume tracking, the substancevolume tracking is interrupted, starting with the current selection timeperiod. Volumes are not tracked for this time period and the CCRCT_RUNtable is not adjusted. If data was already previously tracked for theselection time period in the same run, this data is saved and tableCCRCT_RUN is adjusted for the last completed selection time period.
              • Track History

              • The history can be recorded during substance volume tracking. Set theTrack History indicator in IMG activitySpecify Scenarios. If you do not recordthe history, you can define this in the IMG activityPackage Processing.
                • Save Additional Info to Log

                • Set this indicator to save messages of the additional informationproblem class to the application log. The following messages areexamples of additional information:
                  "Calling function module &1"
                  "Document &1: recipient country/country of origin &2 not relevant toregulation &3/identical"



                  The tracked substance volumes are displayed in transactionSubstance Volume Tracking: Monitoring (CBRC20).
                  You can call the application logs for substance volume tracking intransaction Substance Volume Tracking: Log (CBRC10).

1116376Functions of "Substance Volume Tracking: Monitoring"
1518928SVT: Memory optimization for repetitive manufacturing orders
1503443Memory optimization in production scenario
1508554Performance improvements in sales scenario
1479227Performance optimization for substance volume tracking
1473295Performance during tracking of confirmed purch. documents
1431562Evaluating calculated SVT substance quantities
1065157No update in quantity tracking without history
1076154Error when you delete or change data in table CCRCT_*
1418802Incorrect allocation of substance quantities for deliveries
1064184Runtime error in substance volume tracking (PUR scenario)
1225424Change to classification is ignored
1411224SVT: Selection criteria and export indicator
1404826Performance of substance volume tracking for sold quantities
1401724Performance when filtering relevant materials
1081036Application log for runtime errors
1393996Purchase requisitions are incorrectly taken into account
1172607SVT: Implementing customer-specific requirements
1153759RREGCH_RESTART_VT sets confirmed quantity to 0
1335718Performance improvement for scenario EXP and SO
1337526Determining country of origin with purchasing organization
1347968Incorrect company code when tracking outbound deliveries
1335412SVT: Incorrect quantities in production scenario
1329493SVT: Determining SVT-relevant materials
1329177SVT: Incorrect planned quantity for batch split records
1323710Negative planned quantities in purchasing scenario
1322247SVT: Incorrect quantities in the purchasing scenario
1317261Substance volume tracking with planned quantities
1306465Incorrect confirmed quantities for substance volume tracking
1314561SVT: Incorrect determination of origin and recipient country
1265330Message is missing if no objects exist
1180391No error message for volume monitoring
1143211RREGCH_RESTART_VT: Correction of tracked subst. quantities
1020462Recommendations for selection criteria
1117678Batch-specifc material UOMs in substance volume tracking
1128006Incorrect substance quantities
1129896Unclear quantities in produced substance quantity tracking
1085551Modules for data separation in purchasing and sales
1117679Missing parameter value with module for component explosion
1115748Changing to substance volume tracking without a history
1104042Selection criteria is only partly considered
1078300Separate postings in repetitive manufacturing
1069617Partial reversals incorrectly taken into account
1047149Import/Export: Delete and determine volumes, termination
1060535Missing quantities in substance volume tracking
1038415Substance quantities tracked incorrectly during production
1063715Runtime error in substance volume tracking
1049050You cannot start subsequent process