SAP Program RREGCH_RESTART_VT - Substance Volume Tracking: Correction of Tracked Substance Quantities

You can use this program to correct tracked substance volumes. Onereason for doing this might be a correction to a substance compositionthat is relevant to substance volume tracking.
You should only use this program in exceptional cases. The standardprogram for substance volume tracking is RREGCH_VT.

Note that, in the production scenario, you may need to track materialsagain that did not match your selection criteria. To ensure that thecalculation of produced and consumed quantities works correctly, you canonly track all orders again from scratch. Note that only the quantitiesof materials are corrected that are also included in the selectioncriteria. If quantities of materials are determined during execution ofthis program that are not included in the selection criteria, you arealerted to this by a warning message.

You are not using customer-specific function modules for data tracking.If you are, you need a customer-specific correction report.

The tracked data for the materials to be corrected is deleted, and thematerials are tracked again. Only those materials are corrected that arealso included in the selection criteria.
The correction runs for the same period for which the substance volumeshave been tracked to date. The period is determined from table CCRCT_RUNaccording to regulation and scenario. All logistics documents that arenew or were changed between the start date and end date of the runs sofar are read and tracked. For confirmed quantities, the validity datefor substance volume tracking is the posting date. For plannedquantities, the validity date depends on the scenario, for example, itmay be the delivery date.
For the correction period, you can enter a year for the parameter #startyear#. The correction is to be executed starting the specified year. Thecorrection can also alternatively be carried out starting the period ofthe last archiving. Choose for this the parameter "Start from LastArchiving". Note the following:

  • The correction occurs until the end date of the previous runs.

  • Only the archiving runs for which no data retention was selected are
  • taken into account.
    • Only the archiving run with the earliest archiving year / archiving
    • period is used for the "Period of Last Archiving". Jumps in to thearchiving runs are thus not taken into account. If you have executed,for example, archiving for the year 2005 and the period January throughJune as well as archiving for the year 2007 and the period July throughDecember, the start date of January 1, 2008 will be used for thecorrection with "Start of Last Archiving".
      If you want to correct the substance quantities only starting from aspecific year or from the last archiving run, you can also specify atolerance. With this "Tolerance in Days", you can control to what extentolder logistics documents should be taken into account or be read duringcorrection. If, for example, a goods movement was created on 28.12.2007with the posting date 05.01.2008 and you want to correct the substancequantities starting from the year 2008, this goods movement is onlytaken into account if you specify at least the value 4 for the"Tolerance in Days". Note that only the logistics documents where thevalidity date is in the correction period are actually tracked.

1503443Memory optimization in production scenario
1508554Performance improvements in sales scenario
1479227Performance optimization for substance volume tracking
1435062Negative substance quantities during substance vol. tracking
1436733Short dump when you execute the report RREGCH_RESTART_VT
1413882Selection filter in substance volume tracking
1377143Runtime error during program RREGCH_RESTART_VT
1411224SVT: Selection criteria and export indicator
1401724Performance when filtering relevant materials
1081036Application log for runtime errors
1259226Delivery items with confirmed quantities
1304433Runtime error when tracking repetitive manufacturing orders
1337526Determining country of origin with purchasing organization
1329493SVT: Determining SVT-relevant materials
1320832Runtime error during program RREGCH_RESTART_VT
1323710Negative planned quantities in purchasing scenario
1322247SVT: Incorrect quantities in the purchasing scenario
1306465Incorrect confirmed quantities for substance volume tracking
1314561SVT: Incorrect determination of origin and recipient country
1143211RREGCH_RESTART_VT: Correction of tracked subst. quantities
1038237Deleted or incorrect quantities in correction report