SAP Program RREGCH_DEL_DATA - Substance Volume Tracking: Delete Data (INTERNAL)


Deletion of Tracked Substance Volumes
You can use this program to delete tracked substance volumes for thespecified regulatory lists. Set the Deletion of Tracked SubstanceVolumes indicator. The entries are deleted from the following tables:
CCRCT_CO ,,Confirmed consumed quantities
CCRCT_COPL,,Planned consumed quantities
CCRCT_PR ,,Confirmed produced quantities
CCRCT_PRPL,,Planned produced quantities
CCRCT_PU ,,Confirmed purchased quantities
CCRCT_PUPL,,Planned purchased quantities
CCRCT_SO ,,Confirmed sold quantities
CCRCT_SOPL,,Planned sold quantities
Only use the program if you want to delete all available trackingvolumes for the regulations. For example, to repeat the substance volumetracking using different settings.

Deletion of Filled EH&S Data
Set the Deletion of Filled EH&S Data indicator to delete the datafor the specified regulatory lists that was written to the EH
S tables of substance volume tracking on data transfer from theproperty tree. Then execute the initial filling without selectioncriteria. The following tables are affected:

1114377Deletion option for filled EH&S data
1093154Deleting entries in the table CCRCT_RUN