SAP Program CACS_SRV_0416978_463 - Program for Deletion of Logs in Application Log

Deletion of log data that was created from FI-ICM-Release 4.63 (duringwhich the conversion to the application log from Basis took place) Seenote no. 416978.

The deletion of log data created during or after FI-ICM Release 4.63streamlines the database. The selection of the logs to be deleted can berestricted by making entries in the selection screen.
For log data that was created in FI-ICM releases 4.51, 4.61 and 4.62,you can use the CACS_SRV_0416978_451 program.

If you archive commission cases or commission documents, their logs areautomatically deleted during archiving.
If you delete all transaction data while preparing the productive start,then all existing logs are also deleted except for the generator, copierand temporary logs. These types of log must be deleted separately usingthis report.

To restrict the logs for deletion, you can select the following criteriaon the selection screen:
The system determines a certain date using a key date and a number ofdays. All logs that have a time stamp, which is before this date, aredeleted. If a value is not entered for the key date, the system usestoday's date. This enables you to schedule the report periodically as ajob. The number of days is a required entry, which if left empty,triggers an error message.
The log type specifies the log data that is to be deleted. The areasare, for example: Commission case, commission case comparison,commission document, generator, settlement run, closing run, additionalcommission case, settlement run reversal, closing run reversal,cancellation of additional commission case, temporary logs and copylogs. You need to choose at least one log type, otherwise the systemissues an error message. An internal check ensures that no generationlogs are chosen for the CACS00 application.
When you specify the commission application, you specify the applicationfor which the log data is deleted. This does not apply to temporary,cross-application logs. This type of log is selected for each selectedapplication.
If the test run mode is activated (this is a default setting), then thereport is run without the logs being deleted in the database table. Thetest run is designed to determine in advance how many logs would bedeleted according to the selection criteria entered. During deletion, adatabase COMMIT takes place after every 100 deleted logs.

Standard variants are not provided by SAP.

Depending on whether the report was started online or in the background,the message containing the number of deleted logs is issued differently.For online processing, the number of deleted logs for each log type isdisplayed in a list. When you start the report in the background, amessage is issued containing the corresponding number for each log type.This message is written in the job log.

The CACS_SRV_0416978_463 report can be scheduled as a periodic job toremove obsolete log data from the database.