SAP Program CACS_SRV_0416978_451 - Program for Deleting Logs Release 4.51 up to and Including 4.62

Program for deleting logs that were created up to and during Release4.62 (note no. 0416978)

From Release 4.64, you can use the CACS_SRV_0416978_451 report todelete log data that was created before Release 4.63. The conversion ofreporting in the commission system to the application log from the SAPBasis means that the log display has been optimized and the databaseupdate has been improved. The report streamlines the database bydeleting log data that was created in Relesae 4.51, 4.61 and 4.62. Thelog selection that is to be deleted can be restricted on the selectionscreen by the user.
Note: You can use the CACS_SRV_0416978_463 program for log data thatwas created from Release 4.63 onwards.

When objects are archived, their logs are deleted during archiving. Ifyou run this report in this case, therefore, the logs are deleted earlyfor objects that can be archived.
If all the transaction data is deleted during the preparation of theproductive start, this deletion transaction also deletes all existinglogs. You do not have to run this report again separately.

You can select the following criteria on the selection screen to narrowdown your selection of the logs to be deleted:
The system determines a certain date using a key date and a number ofdays. All logs that have a time stamp (when the log was entered) thatis before this date are deleted. If you did not enter a key date, thesystem uses today's date. This means that the report can be scheduledperiodically as a job. The number of days is a required entry field. Ifthis field is left blank, the system issues an error message.
In the message area, you can specify the log data that is to bedeleted: Application construction and generation, commission caseprocessing, commission settlement, commission document processing.
You need to select at least one message area, otherwise an errormessage is issued. The system uses an internal check to ensure that youcannot select generation logs for the CACS00 application.
You enter the commission application to determine the application forwhich the log data is to be deleted.
If you enter a package size, you determine the number of single records(NOT logs) that are processed before a database COMMIT takes place. Thestandard setting is after 5,000 records. You can, however, overwritethis on the selection screen. In the program, the package size is setto the standard value of 5,000 records if you leave this field blank.
If you have the test run mode (standard setting), the report is runwithout any logs being deleted in the database table. The system issuesa success message at the end of the report to show you how many logs(NOT individual records) are deleted using your selection criteria.Once the report has finished, you receive a message containing thenumber of deleted logs in each message area.

SAP does not provide any standard variants.

The CACS_SRV_0416978_451 report can be scheduled periodically as a jobto streamline the database by deleting old log data.