The run administration logs the technical information of a run. All peri
odic and non-periodic runs that are executed in ICM are documentedcentrally here. Which process is run in which period for whichcommission contract is logged. The run administration displayssummarized information in a clearly structured way. You can displaydetailed information on the individual items down to the level of thedocument.


  • Type

  • Settlement types, remuneration types or trigger types are displayed inthe run administration for each commission contract. The followinginformation is displayed in summarized form for each of these types:
    • Run number

    • The run number of the corresponding run is taken from a single number ra
      nge object, making it unique for all processes. If the run number is nota resetting run, and if you are in display mode of the commissioncontract, you can navigate to the resetting program by double-clickingthe run number to be reset. The corresponding fields have theappropriate default entries.
      • Delimitation date

      • All processes that use the run administration use the delimitation date.
        This information has a direct effect on the volume of the data recordsto be processed.
        • Start

        • Time stamp (system type of database server) indicating when the run wasstarted.
          • End

          • Time stamp (system time of database server) indicating when the runends.
            • Run number of run that was reset

            • Documents the run that was reset.
              • Run number of resetting run

              • Documents the run that performs the resetting activity.
                • User

                • Person who started the run. If you double-click on this element, moredetails of the executing user are displayed.
                  • Transaction code

                  • Indicates the transaction that started the run.
                    The following information is also displayed in periodic processes:
                    • Period rule

                    • Period rule version

                    • Period

                    • Period version