SAP Program CACS_PRC_GUARANTEE - Guarantee

You use program CACS_PRC_GUARANTEE to calculateguarantees.
A calculation is made for each commission contract. It is only made if avalid agreement for the specifiedremuneration type has beendefined in Customizing for the commission contract.
If a calculation has been made for an agreement on the upperdelimitation date, it willnot be calculated again. The
periodicity of the calculation is defined in Customizing for eachremuneration type. The guarantee is only calculated if the periodicityof the calculation is due again on the upper delimitation date and thecommission contract has not yet been settled for the period.
If an error occurs for an agreement, the commission contract is notcalculated for this agreement. The commission contract can be calculatedagain for the remuneration type once the error has been corrected.

You need the following authorizations:

  • Authorization for application

  • Authorization for mass processing
  • Features
    You can specify the following criteria:


    • Contract Number: You can specify one or more
    • commission contract. If you do not enter anycontract number, all commission contracts will be selected for thecalculation.
      • Remuneration Type: You can specify one or more

      • remuneration type for guarantees. If you do not enter anyremuneration type, all remuneration types that are relevant forguarantees will be calculated.
        • Delimitation Date: By specifying a
        • delimitation date, youdetermine the date by which the calculation is to be carried out.

          Processing Mode
          Simulation: If the simulation indicator is set, the guaranteecalculation is only simulated. No postings are made.

          Time Control:
          This lets you determine which version of the commission contract andguarantee agreements are read and used for the calculation.
          The effective time-spot is theeffective date.
          The technical time-spot is thecalculation date.

          Each calculation automatically receives a run number. An entry is madein run administration foreach run. The periods that were calculated, as well as the amountcalculated, are recorded in run administration for each calculation andcontract.
          Calculation results and errors are displayed in run administration.