SAP Program CACS_PRC_ADD_COMMISSION_CASE - Additional Commission Case

Program CACS_PRC_ADD_COMMISSION_CASE generatesadditional commission casesperiodically.
The following criteria can be used for the calculation:

  • Contract Number: You can enter one or more contract number. If
  • you do not enter any number, the process will run for all contracts.
    • Trigger: You can enter one or more trigger for a commission case.
    • If you do not enter any trigger, all commission case triggers will beedited.
      • Trigger Group: The functional grouping of the commission case
      • trigger must be specified. Only triggers of this grouping will beedited.
        • Delimitation Group : This determines the date by which the
        • calculation must be carried out.
          • Simulation: If you set the simulation indicator, the calculation
          • is only simulated. No postings are made.

            Creating Additional Commission Cases
            An additional commission case is created for each contract and period.
            The additional commission case is only calculated if a contract has avalid agreement for the specified trigger.
            If an agreement has already been calculated for the relevant periods, nonew additional commission case is created.
            The periodicity of thecalculation is defined for each commission case trigger in Customizing.
            An additional commission case is only created if no calculation has beenmade up to the upper delimitation period of the relevant period.
            Each additional commission case run receives a run number. Entries aremade for each run in the runadministration for each commission case.
            An additional commission case can be run for one or more commissioncontract. After the additional commission case has run, a run log isoutput showing the periods for which the contract was calculated. Theamount calculated is also displayed.
            Errors that occur during the creation of additional commission cases aredocumented in the application logs (Logs).
            If an error occurs during the creation of an additional commission case,the additional commission case is not calculated.

            You require the following authorizations to execute the program:

            • Authorization for the application

            • Authorization for mass processing