Program | Text |
RPUTMS9S | Generic Temse Viewer (DAQ based) |
RPUTMSA0 | Kommunalsteuererklärung über FinanzOnline |
RPUTMSE0 | TemSe files display and download |
RPUTMSG0 | HR-GB: TemSe view and download program |
RPUTMSI0 | Program for TEMSE catalog display |
RPUTMSIT | Not used anymore |
RPUTPR00 | Revaluate Daily Work Schedules |
RPUTPSG0 | Teachers' Pensions Annual Return |
RPUTPSG1 | TPS Archive table maintenance |
RPUTPSP0 | HR-PT-PS: TemSe Display/Download Utility for Public Sector |
RPUTRAFI | SAP/ADP interface customizing transport |
RPUTRAK0 | Transfer old payroll results from legacy system to SAP - main |
RPUTRBK0 | Transfer old payroll results: Update Payroll Status (Infotype 0003) |
RPUTRFG0 | Update of Reconcils Cluster GP by Dynamic Measure |
RPUTRFJ0 | Automatic pay increase - pay scale level update (Japan) |
RPUTRFJ1 | Pay increase due to personnel promotion (Japan) |
RPUTRFJ2 | Update utility for P/S regrading indicator of infotype 0147(appraisal) |
RPUTRFJ3 | Update utility for promotion indicator of infotype 0147 (appraisal) |
RPUTRL00 | Transport Request for HR Tables for Sales Personnel |
RPUTRNL0 | Utility to transfer data from T5LRN to T5LTC (New receipts table) |
RPUTRW2C | Make a copy of a SAP standard delivered tax form |
RPUTRW2D | Delete tax form fields from W2C form based on tax types |
RPUTRYV0 | Load Norwegian social security office data into T5V2C from file |
RPUTSD00 | Download a TemSe Object to Presentation Server |
RPUTSN00 | Create a Number Range for TemSe Objects from HR |
RPUTSR00 | Delete HR Objects in the TemSe |
RPUTSRB0 | Delete HR TemSe Objects - Detailed Criteria |
RPUTSV00 | List of HR TemSe Objects |
RPUTSVD0 | Contents of HR TemSe Objects (D) |
RPUTSVD2 | Display Data for Contribution Statement by Telecommunication |
RPUTSVD3 | DEUEV: Download Data Medium to Disk |
RPUTSVD4 | DEUEV: Contents of HR TemSe Objects (Germany) |
RPUTSVD5 | DEUEV: Creation of EDI files on PC |
RPUTSVD6 | Inhalte der Dateien für Email-Versand Zahlstellen anzeigen |
RPUTSVD7 | Inhalte der Dateien für Email-Versand Versorgungswerke anzeigen |
RPUTSVD8 | Dateien für Email-Versand der Beitragsnachweise anzeigen |
RPUTSVDD | Download from data medium to disk |
RPUTSVDE | Überleitung zu B2A-Manager |
RPUTSVJ0 | Download HR TemSe object |
RPUTSVN0 | Creating Records with TemSe (Netherlands) |
RPUTSVN1 | Displaying HR TemSe Objects (Netherlands) |
RPUTSVP0 | HR-PT: TemSe Display/Download Utility |
RPUTSVUM | Magnetic tape files - View contents, Structure / Download |
RPUTSVUM_OLD | List of all TemSe-Objects, which contain magnetic wage reporting data |
RPUTTAD0 | Test Tool: Compare DUEVO Messages |
RPUTTUU0 | Wage Type Update Program |
RPUTVOED0 | Überleitung in den TVÖD |
RPUTVOED1 | Überleitung TVöD/TV-L: Informationsschreiben an Mitarbeiter |
RPUTVOED2 | Generierung Vergleichstarif für Bereitschaftsdienste TVöD-BT-K |
RPUTX1D0 | Testreport zum Auslesen des techn. Customizing Elsterlohn |
RPUTX2D0 | Einlesen Postleitzahlen und Gemeindedaten für Elster |
RPUTX3D0 | Lohnsteuerbescheinigung Elster: Testdaten zurücksetzen |
RPUTX4D0 | Füllen Gemeindenummer IT0012 |
RPUTX5D0 | Testreport zum Überprüfen des HR-Customizings |
RPUTX6D0 | Testreport zum Auslesen des HR-Customizings |
RPUTX7D0 | Testreport zum Überprüfen der RFC-Verbindungen zum Business Connector |
RPUTX8D0 | Testreport zum Überprüfen der Verschlüsselung mit SAPCryptolib |
RPUTX9D0 | Füllen Sperrkennzeichen Elster IT0012 |
RPUTXCG0 | XPRA: HR GB - Report to update Infotype 0065 for tax no and tax code |
RPUTXDU0 | Correction and deletion of entries in tax and deposit interface tables |
RPUTXLU0 | US: BSI TaxLocator Audit Report |
RPUTXT00 | Comparison of Text Elements |
RPUTXUK0 | Canada: Tax update utility for infotype 0462/0463 |
RPUTXUU0 | Environmentchecker for tax reporter |
RPUTXUU0_ALV | Environmentchecker for tax reporter alv display |
RPUUMS00 | Convert Symbolic account in T51R6 and insert currency in T51R5 |
RPUUMT00 | Update tables T51R5 and T51R5_HIST |
RPUUPD06 | Program RPUUPD06 |
RPUUSSG0 | USS Contributions (Interface to ALV, TemSe or File Server) |
RPUUSSG1 | USS Salary Changes (Interface to ALV, TemSe or File Server) |
RPUVALC0 | HR-CH: PC Calculation for Workflow |
RPUVBDV0 | XPRA: Set payment method capital formation/direct insurance |
RPUVEOD0 | Contents of HR TemSe Objects (D) |
RPUVEODD | Download from Data Medium to Disk |
RPUVETCU0 | Utility Program to map the old veteran field to the new veteran fields |
RPUVETCU0_APP | Utility Program to map the old veteran field to the new veteran fields |
RPUVETCU0_CE | Utility Program to map the old veteran field to the new veteran fields |
RPUVETU0 | Utility Report to create VETS Company ID. |
RPUVIEKNBE | Conversion for IT view (BE) |
RPUVSCC0 | HR-CH: Consistency check for processing control |
RPUVSEC1 | HR-CH: Processing Control : Tree Diagram of Schedule |
RPUVTSP0 | HR-PT: show and download utility TemSe and XML |
RPUWCU00 | CUSTOMIZING: Dynamic Access of Subset Views |
RPUWCU10 | Customizing Tool: Copy/Delete Entitlements |
RPUWCU15 | Customizing Tool: Copy/Delete Benefit Types |
RPUWDAD0 | Maintain HR-CPS Databases |
RPUWDAD5 | Process Contribution Reimbursements (Transfer/Individual Amounts) |
RPUWDEDA | Transfer external data to PCL2 cluster DA |
RPUWDRD0 | Delete contribution reimbursements |
RPUWDRQ0 | ETP summary Infotype withdraw Utility |
RPUWEDDA | Transfer external data to PCL2 cluster DA |
RPUWELD0 | Delete CPS Error Messages |
RPUWETD0 | Display CPS error messages |
RPUWGC00 | Starts Report RPUWGTx0 using SET/GET 'CUS' - Copy Wage Types |
RPUWGND0 | Generated main program for pension calculation |
RPUWGT00 | Utility: Maintaining Wage Types (Customizing) |