SAP Program RPURMR00_OLD - Reconciliation of remittance posting items

This report produces a list of all third-party remittance items eitherevaluated, posted or paid. The way the data is selected depends on usersettings. The list also contains information confirmed by FI, such asreceipt of the posting, acknowledgement/payment of the posting and payeeitem details.


  • You can restrict your selection criteria from

  • Company code
    Business area (not for acknowledgements)
    FI vendor
    Vendor subgroup
    HR payee type
    HR payee number
    Evaluation run number
    Posting run number
    Acknowledgement run number
    Remittance Status
    Stopped payments
    These options are not mandatory. You can leave these fields blank if youwant the report to retrieve all relevant data. The standard settinggives a list of items posted to FI that are awaiting to be cleared. TheALV Layout can be freely defined by the user. Thestandard variant gives all fields subtotaled for the amount by Companycode, FI vendor and HR document reference number.
    • Choose additional checks to be performed:

    • Check payments that are stopped and/or already posted to FI. This willdo an extended error check for existing payee items. The first checkwill check for items that arte stopped but have not the correct status.This allows to check for items that have manually been stopped. Theoption "Correct stopped status" then allows to correct such items. Thesecond option checks for already posted items if they have been clearedor not even been posted yet. This can happen if items are manually beencleared or reversed. The corresponding option "Correct already posteditems" allows then to reset the payee item to correct status as per theFI item.
      • Choose 'Execute'
      • Output
        The output list differs, depending on the ALV layout you selected.

        This list supplies summary information at the Company code, FI vendorand HR document reference number level. All FI vendors are listed withthe defined posting run according to the parameters specified (see thedocumentation on the posting run). If there aredifferent subgroups defined for an FI vendor (different documents), eachsubgroup is listed on a separate line.
        This list provides the following information
        Company code and FI vendor as well as HR payee information for thepayment
        Document reference number assigned to the payment in theaccounts payable (FI) system
        Payment due date for the item
        Date the item was entered the FI system
        Date the item was paid in the FI system
        The amount to be paid
        The payroll subunit from which the payment originated. Since eachpayroll subunit should have a payroll run of its own, this correspondsto the request date number given for each payroll run.
        The payroll period / bonus date indicates whether the payment comes froma normal payroll run (payroll period and year) or a bonus run (bonusdate).
        The pay date is the check date of the corresponding run. (In cases of abonus run, it's the bonus date itself.)
        The due date is the date this payment has to be made.
        The HR payees linked to the FI vendor. (Since multiple HR payees may beassigned to the same FI vendor, there could be many entries fordifferent HR payees.)
        You can double-click any line in this list to get detailed informationabout the payment.
        The list of employee(s) shows how the total amount appeared. This ischeck information. The sum of all employees must equal the total amount.
        The 'Remittance summary' appears at the end of the detailed item list.This includes information about the FI vendor to which all theseremittance items are assigned. The following information is provided:
        FI vendor information (number and name)
        The FI vendor company code
        The employer reference number. If more than one FEIN appears, thetables were set up incorrectly. If you have included more than one EIN(federal and state level), they are listed below each other.
        The FI document reference number. This number indicates where you findthe listed remittance items in your accounts payable (FI) system.
        The payment date. This shows if and when a payables run took place. Ifthe amounts are posted but not paid yet, the date will be 0 and thecomment will indicate that it has not been processed yet. If it hasbeen processed, it will tell you the payables run date and run ID.
        The summary also provides information about the check date range forthese payments, as well as the number of payrolls and employeesincluded in the amount.

        Batch run
        In a batch run, a list is produced for the chosen selection criteria,including the detailed information.

        Online run
        In online processing you get a list of FI vendors and vendor subgroupsand you have to choose those for which you want to display detailedinformation.

        The posting report must have run.