SAP Program RPURMD00 - Undo Third-Party Remittance Runs

This report allows you to undo or delete all remittance informationproduced by

  • evaluation runs

  • posting runs

  • acknowledgement runs

  • all third-party remittance runs in general

  • You should run this report whenever you discover that an evaluation runhas written incorrect data to the tables for some reason.
    However, you should think very carefully about running this report ifyou have already posted the data to FI.
    It is recommended that you always execute a test run that will showwhat data will actually be deleted in a productive run.
    Never undo/delete a run that has a successor within a remittanceprocess. You must undo/delete the last run of a complete remittance runfirst and then undo/delete each of its predecessors. Do not use at anytime the flag to reset the number range when undoing/deleting a runthat exists within a list of runs.
    You can choose the option to reset the number ranges and the numberrange objects RP_REMIT REM1 (evaluation runs), REM2 (posting runs),REM4 (acknowledgement runs) or RP_REMIT1 (remittance origin link) areset back to where they were before these runs took place. Using theflag 'Reset number ranges' within a list of existing runs can causesevere data inconsistencies (lost links to existing postings) due tothe number range reset.

    Undo evaluation run
    This report starts from the given evaluation run numbers
    (X500) and deletes them from the remittance tables.
    All entries in table T51R5 with matching evaluation run numbers aredeleted. The remittance origin link determines whichindividual posting data in table T51R4 and debit posting data in T51R6should be deleted accordingly. All information related to the specifiedevaluation run is then deleted.

    Undo posting run
    This report starts from the specified posting run numbers
    and deletes them from the remittance tables. All cumulatedremittance information in table T51R5 marked as posted by this run getsunmarked. This enables you to run the posting run for these remittanceitems again.

    Undo acknowledgement run
    This report starts from the specified acknowledgement runnumbers and deletes them. All cumulated remittance information intable T51R5 marked by this run as paid by FI gets unmarked. Thisenables you to run the acknowledgement program for these remittanceitems again.

    Generic undo
    This option deletes all entries in the remittance storage tables (notthe customizing tables) and sets all number ranges back to zero.
    You should use this option when you are about to go productive withyour system (to clear all test data) or after a major reorganizationrun.
    This deletes all information on what has been remitted to whom andwhen. Make sure that you will not need any of this data later if youwant to carry out the generic delete.

    An incorrect evaluation run wrote data to these tables and the data hasnot been posted yet.
    Any situation which forces you to undo any of the posting runs oracknowledgement runs you previously made.

    Entries are deleted from tables T51R1, T51R4, T51R5 and T51R6 (tablesfor third-party remittance results). You also get a log of whichentries have been deleted from these tables (if not a test run).

943691MSC: Error with Undo Process in ERP2004 and higher
836050MSC: Performance issues with undo program
647576MSC: Undo failed with wrong error message
624031MSC: Wrong status after undo
426479GEN: Reversing posting runs: incorrect error message
497365GEN: Undo eval. program fails to clear all tables.
392559GEN: Remittance posting documents deleted
392443Third-party remittance: Reversal of posting documents
302616GEN: Undo run option "Reset number range" confusing