SAP Program RPURMC00 - Remittance Completeness Check

You can use this program to check remittance in three different ways andprovides the following lists:

  • Employees and payroll results that have not been evaluated

  • All payee items that have been evaluated but not posted to FI

  • All posting runs in transaction PCP0 that have not been released.
  • Features

    Choose which type of completeness check you would like to run.
    The selection criteria will change according to the type of list youselect.

    If you request a list of payroll results that have not been evaluatedthat contains employees that do not have remittances, you will need todo the following:

    • Apply Note 734483

    • Run the Evaluation run x500 again for all employees not having any
    • remittance. Subsequently, run the Store evaluation run program(RPURMU00) for the TemSe files created. The next time you run thisreport these employees will not be displayed.

847082MSC: ALV variant incorrectly defaulted
734483MSC: Remittance completeness check