SAP Program RPURACU0 - Utility program to map new Race and Ethnicity to old Ethnic Origin

Map New Race and Ethnicity Codes to Old Ethnic Origin Fields (RPURACU0)

Utility program to update Additional Personal Data infotype (0077)records with new Race and Ethnicity details.

Use this program to upgrade the old Ethnic origin codes with the newRace and Ethnicity codes.

Before running this utility program, you must have applied HR supportpackage 20 or above. In addition, you should run the followingchecks:
Verify the new Race and Ethnicity codes in the table T505R withthe help of table view V_T505R.
All Race codes must have the prefix R.
All Ethnicity codes must have the prefix E.
A new screen (2010) for the U.S. country version has been added toInfotype 77. Verify the entry in table T588M for Infotype 77.
Verify that the employees are not locked before running this program.

You can run this report multiple times to update the new Race andEthnicity data in Infotype 77.
You can map old Ethnic Origin codes to the new Race and Ethnicity codesby selecting Map Ethnic Origin from the application toolbar onthe selection screen.
In line with the current standards, the mapping would be as follows:

  • Old Ethnic Origin: White/Not Hispanic origin

  • Ethnicity: Not Hispanic/Latino
    Race: White
    • Old Ethnic Origin: Black/Not Hispanic origin

    • Ethnicity: Not Hispanic/Latino
      Race: Black
      • Old Ethnic Origin: Hispanic

      • Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
        • Old Ethnic Origin: Asian or Pacific Islander

        • Ethnicity: Not Hispanic/Latino
          Race: ?
          • Old Ethnic Origin: Amer.Ind./Alaskan Native

          • Ethnicity: Not Hispanic/Latino
            Race: Amer.Ind./Alaskan Native
            • Old Ethnic Origin: Native Hawaiian

            • Ethnicity: Not Hispanic/Latino
              Race: Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
              • Old Ethnic Origin: Hispanic White Only

              • Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
                Race: White
                • Old Ethnic Origin: Hispanic All Other

                • Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
                  All the old Ethnic Origins can be mapped to the new Race and Ethniccategories except for Asian or Pacific Islander.
                  You can run this report for all of the ethnic categories for allemployees. To run the report for employees belonging to the Asian
                  Race category, you must identify and list them individually in theselection screen parameters. Proceed in a similar manner for employeesbelonging to the Race category Pacific Islander.

                  The selection screen provides the following selection options:

                  • Key Date

                  • Personnel Number

                  • Personnel Area

                  • Personnel Subarea

                  • Employee group

                  • Employee subgroup and

                  • Payroll area.

                  • The Key Date is used for selection of records which should beupdated in Infotype 77. All records valid as of the Key Date will beupdated. Additionally, all records which fall after the Key Date willbe updated with the new Race and Ethnicity codes.
                    Using the option Map Ethnic Origin, you can map the old EthnicOrigin to the new Race and Ethnicity.

                    There are no standard variants provided with this report.
                    Note that the mapping of Old Ethnic Origins to the new Race andEthnicity cannot be saved as a variant.

                    The report verifies the employee data and displays a list of all theemployees that meet your selection screen criteria. You can updaterecords for individual employees or for all employees.
                    After selecting the employees, you have to select the option UpdateChanges in order to update the Infotype 77 records with the new Raceand Ethnicity codes, based on your mapping selections.
                    The list of employees displayed has a status flag:

                    • Status Before Update: indicates if the infotype 77 record can be
                    • updated for the employee. This may not be possible if no infotype 77record exists for this employee
                      • Status After Update: set only after you have selected option Update
                      • Changes.
                        The status flag indicates the following:
                        • Red = Error. For details, select the Errors list button on the
                        • application toolbar.
                          • Yellow = Warning. The new Race and Ethnicity data already exists for
                          • the employee in Infotype 77. You can overwrite the existing data.
                            • Green = Infotype 77 can be updated or has been updated for the
                            • employee.

435204IT0077: Infotype changes with new Races/Ethnicities.
1029173EEO: Program RPURACU0 does not select all employees.
655251Program RPURACU0 Missing for IT0077
533029IT0077: RPURACU0 does not display multiple races
495867IT0077: Corrections to the utility program RPURACU0.