SAP Program RPUNTUK0 - New Year Tax Update Utility (Infotype 0224)

This report provides a quick and easy method of performing mass updatesof Infotype 0224 Canadian Taxation.
You can use this report to update the following information for allemployees or groups of selected employees:

  • Basic Personal Exemption (Federal and Quebec)

  • Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) rate

  • It also allows you to manually maintain individual employee credits anddeductions on Infotype 0224.

    You have entered the correct Federal (TD1) and Quebec (MR19) basicpersonal exemption amounts in view V_T511K. To access this view, chooseSystem -> Services -> Table maintenance ->Extended table maint.. The payroll constants are TX000for Federal personal exemption and TXQC1 for Quebec personalexemption.

    In the Selection section, specify the employee population forwhich you want to run the report.
    In the Tax update selection section, specify the New taxyear's effective date.
    If a new Canadian Taxation infotype record is needed, this date will beused.
    In the Update options section, specify what you want to update.
    Mass update: Take new basic pers. tax credit (TC)
    This option updates Infotype 0224 when there is a basic tax exemptionchange. The system checks whether the tax rates specified in constantsTX000 and TXQC1 have changed and triggers an update if necessary.
    Mass update: Indexed TC = Indexed TC * Indexing factor
    This option updates personal tax credit amounts (Form TD1) in Infotype0224 by applying the indexing factor. The amounts subject to indexingare total basic credit amounts excluding the non-indexing amount.
    Mass update: Indexed TC = Indexed TC + add. amount
    This options performs a mass update to the tax credit by adding a flatamount to the indexed basic personal tax credit.
    Mass update: Indexed TC = Indexed TC * COLA
    This option performs a cost of living adjustment. The COLA adjustmentrate must be greater than 1.0.
    Update individual employee's current credits/deductions via manualadjustment
    This option allows you to manually maintain Infotype 0224 CanadianTaxation for each employee.
    Select the option No update of tax credits for claim 0 if you donot want to update to new tax credit amounts for those employees whohave claim code 0 (no personal tax credit amounts claimed).
    Select the option Update allowed before the latest payroll runif you want to perform an update to the Canadian Taxation Infotype 0224in a period where payroll has already run. This will trigger aretrocalculation the next time payroll is run.
    If you do not select this option and try to update a period wherepayroll has already been run for some employees, these employees willbe rejected from the update.
    Choose Execute or Program -> Exec. in background.

    The program displays current credits on the Canadian Taxation infotypefor each employee, and, if you selected the option "Update individualemployee's current credits/deductions via manual adjustment", you canedit each employee's Infotype 0224 record. .
    If you selected one of the following options, the system also proposesthat a new Infotype 0224 record be created:

    • Mass update: Take new basic pers. tax credit (TC)

    • Mass update: Indexed TC = Indexed TC * COLA

    • Mass update: Indexed TC = Indexed TC + add. amount

    • You can then perform a mass update for the selected employees via batchdata input. To do so, choose Start BDC.

899373TAX: Legal changes effective January 1, 2006
804689YE04: Tax Update Utility - Changes to tax credit update.
573611TAX: Legal changes effective January 1, 2003.
575804MSC: Default parameters for IT0224 tax update utility.
565779MSC: Report RPUNTUK0 aborts for Option 2 on IT0224.
448866TAX: Tax update effective January 1, 2002.
455103TAX: IT 0224 tax update utility effective 01/01/02.