Program | Text |
RPULAEN0 | Wage Return: Check Master Data |
RPULAJN0 | Determine Legal Person (NL) |
RPULALN0 | Wage Return: Downloading XML Display for Return from TemSe |
RPULCCG0 | HR GB: Batch Update of Payroll Status for Leavers with Company Cars |
RPULCP00 | Support for Importing HR Support Packages |
RPULEAV0 | Batch-processing of holiday absences - lock/unlock |
RPULKT00 | Transfer Old Payroll Account from Sequential File to Table T558A |
RPULKTIDOC | Generate IDoc From Legacy Data Transfer Interface (T558B, D) |
RPULORE0 | Evaluation of protocol for accessing protected data |
RPULUCV0 | Single book cluster unicode conversion |
RPULUMD0 | Report to transfer LU cluster from december 2008 to january 2009 |
RPULZ5A0 | PCALZ-Erweiterung: Anlegen zusätzlicher Lohnzettel mit Lohnzettelart 5 |
RPULZ5AV | PCALZ-Erweiterung: Erstellung eines vorläufigen Jahreslohnzettels 2007 |
RPUMAB00 | MiniApp Birthday List |
RPUMAJ00 | MiniApp Anniversary List |
RPUMARU0 | Load Marital Statuses for tax authorities |
RPUMIGG0 | Migration of Company Car infotype (0222,0225, 0014) -> (0442) |
RPUMKD00 | Features Directory |
RPUMKG00 | Generate features |
RPUMKG00_CHECKMAN | Activate Features |
RPUMKGCL_CHECKMAN | Call generate-and-rebuild in RPUMKG00 |
RPUMKN00 | Create Number Range for Features |
RPUMKR00 | Set Default Values for Features |
RPUMKS00 | Feature Structure |
RPUMKX00 | HR: Generate Features |
RPUMMLG1 | Convert T512Z IT3003 to T510X |
RPUMNIG0 | Migration report for NI Data Take-on table |
RPUMS40A75 | Conversion of T582A -> T777D/T77ID |
RPUMS40CCI | XPRA for generation of infotype include |
RPUMSPNPPCH | Conversion Program ´/´ Name Range |
RPUND2N0 | |
RPUND3N0 | |
RPUNICG0 | HR-GB: National Insurance Conversion Program |
RPUNIIJ0 | Batch Input Utility for Nursing Insurance (Japan) |
RPUNIIJ1 | Batch Input Utility for Nursing Insurance (Japan) |
RPUNOAU1 | Nature of Action Configuration (4.7) |
RPUNOAU2 | External report for Nature of Action Validations |
RPUNQF_SETUPW0 | Initial Configuration of NQF |
RPUNSHA0 | Übernahme externer NSchG-Daten in das Cluster NS |
RPUNTUK0 | New Year Tax Update Utility (Infotype 0224) |
RPUOCB00 | Subsequent Processes of Off-Cycle Activities |
RPUOCF00 | Centralized Printing of Payroll Forms from ESS Scenario |
RPUOCGDL | Reorganisation indicator table off-cycle batch processing |
RPUOCL00 | Subsequent Process for Mass LTI Processing |
RPUOCP00 | Subsequent Processes of Off-Cycle Payroll Runs |
RPUOCR00 | Subsequent Processes of Check Replacement |
RPUOCUE0 | Cut-off of infotype 61 and "Employment" field proposal |
RPUOINE0 | Cluster adjustment usability for INEM contracts |
RPUORGV0 | Convert org. numbers into reporting structure |
RPUORQQP | Common Data Area - Actual |
RPUORTD0PBS | Conversion of Family-Related Bonus |
RPUOTFL0 | Outsourcing Idoc Utility for downloading |
RPUOTTBL | Outsourcing: Conversion of T558Bto T5UOT for Term/Inactive recording |
RPUOUTF0 | RPUOUTF0 - Convert T512W wage types PRCL '55' spec '0' to spec ' ' |
RPUOUTIDOC | Idoc generieren aus Altdatenübernahmeschnitstelle (T558B, D) |
RPUOVRLP | Test Program for Finding Entries with Overlapping Periods |
RPUP0000 | Convert Status Indicator (Infotype 0000 - Actions) acc. to T529A |
RPUP0001 | Adjust Fields acc. to Org. Assignment |
RPUP0031 | Conversion of infotypes 'RefPerNo' and 'RefPerNo' priority |
RPUP0071 | Update of All Infotype 70 and 71 Records to Include British Pounds |
RPUP0096 | Convert Inf. 0096 into 0207, 0208, 0210, 0234, 0235 |
RPUP02E0 | Maintain infotype 0002 with change in field PERID logic |
RPUP04F0 | Update Infotyp 0004: Degree of challenge |
RPUP07B0 | HR-BE: Update infotype 0107 (Planned Working Time) records |
RPUP16B0 | HR-BE: Update infotype 0109 (Contract Elements) records |
RPUP16E0 | Copy TICON and FERED to the I0016 contract extension |
RPUP1D00 | Display and Delete Individual Records from File PCL1 |
RPUP1D10 | Delete a Set of Records from File PCL1 |
RPUP2D00 | Display and Delete Single Records in Database PCL2 |
RPUP2D10 | Delete a Set of Records from the Database PCL2 |
RPUP2DQ0 | Display and Delete of Advance Pay Records. |
RPUP3D00 | Display and Delete Single Record from File PCL3 |
RPUP3D10 | Delete a Set of Records from File PCL3 |
RPUP4D00 | Display and Delete Single Record from File PCL4 |
RPUP4D10 | Delete Records from Database PCL4 |
RPUP61E0 | Change pay scale code (field PLNSS) in IT 61 |
RPUP61E1 | Convert contract type in IT 61 |
RPUP62E0 | Create new IT0062 record for new employment tax (IRPF) time period |
RPUP62E1 | Create new IT0062 record for new employment tax (IRPF) time period |
RPUP62E3 | Create new IT0062 record for new employment tax (IRPF) time period |
RPUP84K0 | Utility to update Processing 84 for Canada specific Wagetypes |
RPUP88G0 | HR-GB: Infotype 88 Conversion |
RPUP90E0 | Create new IT0062 record for new employment tax (IRPF) time period |
RPUP90E1 | Create new I0090 record for irregular performances. |
RPUPADC2 | HR-CH: Assign/delete employee attributes |
RPUPADF0 | Total profit sharing release |
RPUPAIF0 | Annual payment of profit sharing interest |
RPUPAPF0 | Partial Profit Sharing Release |
RPUPARF0 | Accumulation of employee profit sharing |
RPUPARP0 | HR-PT: Load table T5P6P with parish codes from file |
RPUPASJ0 | Set subtype/bank from IT0144 to conversion table T5J98 |
RPUPASJ1 | Convert from IT0144 to IT0169 |
RPUPAV00 | Regeneration of Additional ITs for Views |
RPUPBS5A | Umsetzreport Tabelleninhalt von T5APBS15 auf T5APBS20 |
RPUPBSD1_DYNUPDT | Dynamic update of Basic pay (I0008) to include Higher duty allowance |
RPUPBSM0_POPUP_PBS_WAGETYPES | PBS wage type intervals and their assignment to SAP WTs |
RPUPBSQ0 | Increment Due Report |
RPUPBSQ1 | Increment Register |