SAP Program RPUFRM81 - Write from T512E to Tables T512R/S (Cumulation Wage Types for HR Form)

Report RPUFRM81 carries out the conversion of form tables in HR. FromRelease 3.0F onwards, cumulation wage type texts are stored in tablesT512R and T512S. Report RPUFRM81 uses the entries in T512E to completethese tables by transferring any wage type in this table that has anentry in the SLART field.
You can only run this report for customer-specific forms. As of 3.0F,the standard SAP forms are delivered complete with the appropriateentries.
The report can run as a background job.

The number of entries written to tables T512R and T512S is logged.

You are using customer-specific forms that all begin with $ and areonly working with country indicator 01.
Start the report with country indicator = 01
form = $*
The best idea is to create a variante and then run the report as abackground job.