SAP Program RPUEMU20 - HR-EURO: Conversion of constants during dual-currency phase

During the dual currency phase, it is possible to calculate in euro,although the SAP legal variables (for example, constants from T511K)are still delivered in the old national currency.
In order to install the corresponding euro values in the old nationalcurrency after the SAP delivery (at the change of fiscal year), thisreport correspondingly converts the constants for the chosen country.

The program can only be started if payroll already takes place in euro,that is, if the general conversion to euro has already taken place.
The program cannot be started in SAP client 000.

All the constants in table T5EUR that are relevant to the country areconverted to euro.

A technical log of the conversion is issued by setting the 'log'switch.

The program can be started in the test mode to check the list of theconstants that are to be converted.
The report is reversible. By setting the selection screen to 'oldnational currency', the corresponding entries are copied from the SAPclient 000 into the current client.
By setting it to 'euro', the corresponding euro values are copied fromtable T5EUR.

398684HR-AT: EURO - Ergänzungen bis 27.11.2001
385134CONSULT.: Cálculo de nómina en euros
423619HR-DST: Steuer und Euro (2)
318363PY-BE: corrections due to euro-conversion
310066HR-Euro: Euro-conversion infotypes and tables (Belgium)
176266HR-EURO - Change of payroll currency before 2002 (Portugal)