SAP Program RPUDSTB0 - Update status handler and B2A tables

Should only be used when starting with the update declarationfunctionality. Update declaration is fully based on the B2A. Seetransaction PB2A. If you have not used B2A for the original declarationyou need to publish the already send declarations in all correspondingstatus tables. Otherwise you will not be able to generate correct updatedeclarations.

Need all Temses loaded in the system. In order to load the Temses usereport RPUDMVB0

The Original Declaration has to be uploaded first. After this step, theupload of the PID file or Update Notification is possible.


  • The indicator 'Orig. DMFA into Employee table'' enables you to
  • fill the status handler T5F99SE with the employee information of theoriginal DMFA declaration. If the indicator is initial, only theemployer information is written to table T5F99SR. This is required foruploading PID files and update notifications.
    Note: The employee status for the orginal declaration is not aprerequisite making a correct update declaration, it is used forstatistical purposes.

684329FAQ: DMFA Update
902683DMFA Update. Conversion report for CUNP/WR deletion error
659366DMFA Update Declaration Project