SAP Program RPUDSQL0 - Delete Records from Table T5LSQ

HR-MY: Delete Records from Table T5LSQ - Malaysia (RPUDSQL0)

This report allows you to delete records from Serial no Table forEA form - Malaysia (T5LSQ) before updating it through theSequence Number Generation for EA Form Report (RPCTSQL0).

You can select the Delete records from T5LSQ option on theoutput screen of Prepare EA Form Report (RPCTSQL0) for theselection screen of Delete Records from Table T5LSQ Report(RPUDSQL0) to appear.

The Table T5LSQ must have records to be deleted.


Employer's Reference Number uniquely identifies the employer forpayment of tax to a given tax office.
Tax Assessment Year is the financial year for which you want todelete the records.

Enter the Reference Numbers for which you want to delete therecords
Enter the year for which you want to delete the records
Select Program -> Execute.
The records for the selected Reference Numbers will get deleted.