SAP Program RPUDIRB0 - Process Dimona receipt file

This report enables you to retrieve the Dimona receipt files in ASCIIformat for further processing. Once the Dimona file has beentransferred to the National Office for Social Security via FTP, thesender first receives a receipt file (a confirmation file is sent at alater stage) in his output folder (OUT) of the FTP server. The sendermust then download these files to a local PC. A Dimona declaration file/ receipt file may contain several individual declarations per employee(personnel number).

You must have executed the following reports successfully:

  • Prepare Dimona IT 735 declarations (RPUDIPB0

  • ),
    • Dimona declaration report (RPLDIDB0).
    • Selection
      You can specify the path where the receipt file is located and whetheryou want to run the report in test mode or not. If not, the Dimonainfotype (0735) is updated accordingly.

      No standard variant delivered.

      When you process a receipt file, each result of a sent declaration isevaluated and compared with a corresponding personnel number'sdeclaration stored in the Dimona infotype (0735).
      If you have cleared the test indicator on the selection screen, theDimona infotype is updated and the status of the declarations is setfrom S (sent to SI) to one of the following:

      • F (formally accepted by SI), when no formal errors have been detected
      • in the individual declaration by the National Office for SocialSecurity.
        • R (rejected by SI), when one or more formal errors have been detected.

        • O (declaration must be repeated), when formal errors have been
        • detected in the file containing the individual declaration.
          Together with the update of the declaration status, the receipt numberand - for entry declarations - the Dimona number are stored in thecorresponding infotype (0735).
          In parallel, the results are displayed, sorted by employer. Employerspreceeded by a green circle have been processed successfully, thosepreceeded by a red square contain errors.
          In addition, you can access the other Dimona reports and the officialwebsite of the Belgian Social Security via the toolbar.

          Specify the path to which you want to download the receipt file.
          Specify whether you want to run the report in test mode or not. If not,the Dimona infotype (0735) is updated accordingly.
          Choose Execute.
          Double-click the Protocol folder to view the results peremployer.